Everyone's welcome at SAM's monthly storytelling open mic!
We gather on Zoom to tell stories and listen on the fourth Tuesday of every month, 7-8pm Central US/Canada time. Whether you're a first-timer or a pro, we invite you to join us. Whether your story is true or made up, or an old folk tale that's been handed down over many generations, we'd love to hear it. There's no judging or feedback, just the joy of shared stories.
Our next Story Circle is Tuesday, May 24.
You must register in advance to receive the Zoom link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sam-online-story-circle-tickets-273687014227 After registering, if you want to sign up for a slot to tell a 7-minute story, please send an email to storyartsmn@gmail.com. You can also sign up at the start of the program if time remains.
SAM Story Circles are always free, though we'll make a brief plea for donations.
We hope to see you there!