Our Mission

Story Arts of Minnesota promotes storytelling and develops and supports storytellers.

Our Vision

We imagine a society in which storytellers are recognized for their ability to provide a relevant, inspiring and transformative service to individuals and the community through the art and craft of spoken narrative. We envision SAM as a leader in promoting storytelling as a performance art form as well as fostering its application within such areas as education, historical interpretation, health care, psychotherapy, spiritual direction, and organizational life. SAM helps storytellers develop professionally and work productively within and across these fields. To accomplish this, SAM acts as a:

Connector of individuals, guilds and other partner organizations who come together to learn from each other, accomplish common goals, network and promote their trade;

Coordinator and producer of educational and performance events that provide opportunities for Minnesota storytellers to develop their craft and showcase their best work;

Clearinghouse of information about storytelling and storytellers;

Collector of organizational best practices and quality indicators that raise the community profile of storytelling.

Core Values:


The art of storytelling is deeply rooted in oral tradition. SAM honors and promotes the oral tradition of storytelling as an art form while also encouraging dialogue with other narrative arts.


SAM welcomes storytellers of all cultures, experience levels, backgrounds and styles. We seek to make storytelling accessible to a diverse audience and encourage the use of storytelling in other professions.


Storytelling bridges cultures, encourages understanding, and creates a common ground of humanity. SAM promotes storytelling as an outreach tool to connect individuals, communities and organizations.


SAM acknowledges and respects the power of story to change and inspire. We value creative expression on all levels and provide opportunities for storytellers to grow and develop as artists.

Story Arts of MN is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.