Become a member, renew your membership, or make an additional donation by April 15 and be entered in a raffle for a coaching session/stories and books by Loren Niemi or Laura Packer, experienced storytelling coaches with over half a century of experience between them.
Loren Niemi has received the National Storytelling Network's Lifetime Achievement Award and is the author of many books, including his latest, Point of View and the Emotional Arc of Stories.
Laura Packer is a member of the National Storytelling Network's Circle of Excellence and is the author of From Audience to Zeal: The ABC's of Finding, Crafting, and Telling a Great Story.
Story Arts of Minnesota imagines a society in which storytellers are recognized for their ability to provide a relevant, inspiring and transformative service to individuals and the community through the art and craft of spoken narrative. We are continually working to make that society more of a reality and your support makes it possible. Please join, renew, or donate today!