Please join us for SAM’s first online workshop. We will be offering workshops through Zoom every month on the second Tuesday evening.
Before you can perform, teach, or coach, you must first take care of yourself. This gentle workshop will lead you through a series of self-care exercises designed for storytellers. With guided meditation to enhance creativity, short story sharing, and other tips for self care, you will gain new insight into how to take care of yourself and remain creative through challenging times.
This FREE event is open to everyone via Zoom teleconferencing. After registering, you'll receive an email message with the Zoom link.
Workshop leader Laura Packer has been performing, coaching, writing, consulting, and leading the storytelling field for more than 25 years. She knows the best way to the truth is through a good story and that this universally accessible artform creates empathy, builds bridges, and has the power to change the world. As the author of the award-winning From Audience to Zeal: The ABCs of Finding, Crafting, and Telling a Great Story and the accompanying workbook, she is committed to helping others find their voice. As the creator of #storyseeds she is dedicated to helping others deepen thrive creativity. Laura has won many awards for her storytelling and service to the storytelling community. She currently serves as the vice-president of Story Arts of MN.
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.