Laura Packer

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Laura Packer knows that the best way to the truth is through a good story. With a degree in folklore and mythology, she has told, taught, ranted, raved, consulted and considered storytelling around the world. When she isn’t telling, she runs venues, coaches, writes, and helps people and organizations find their stories, hone their vision and use their voices to make the world a better place. She is the winner of the 2010 National Storytelling Network Oracle Award, the 2012 League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling Brother Blue Award, 2016 Best in Fringe Kansas City, the 2017 Best New Producer Indy Fringe, as well as semi-finalist in three Boston Story Slam series and the Best Slammers in the Nation. 

Laura is also the sole proprietor of thinkstory llc, one of the foremost organizational storytelling groups in the United States. She has helped for- and non-profit organizations around the world identify, hone, capitalize upon and celebrate their stories. Previous clients include NASA, iRobot Corporation, Quest Diagnostics, Dreamfar, Unbound, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and others. 

781-526-7255 (storytelling, coaching and writing info) (organizational storytelling info)