StoryFest 2024 - For Kids and Families!
Please be aware that some sessions and stories at StoryFest may present advanced themes and/or language that are inappropriate for youth. The sessions highlighted on this page are specifically designed for intergenerational audiences that include young participants.
Interactive Storytelling Workshop for Youth and Families, with Nicholas Pawlowski
Join us 'round the Story Table for "The Fire Mountain," a story about two children who (with the help of their magic cow,) search for the golden bird and non-violently free her from a fiery dragon! Participants will interact, dance and draw what they heard in the story! (Paper & crayons provided)
Nicholas Pawlowski M. Ed. founded The Story Table Foundation to promote mental and emotional wellbeing through interactive storytelling! Nicholas believes that children learn best when we talk with rather than at them. Consequently, his use of improvisation, drawing and dancing help foster healthy childhood development, as well as teach values like empathy, thankfulness, kindness and cooperation. Over the years, Nicholas has observed that children's programs are better when they're intergenerational. Nicholas strives to present timeless tales that people of all ages can grow up with rather than out of! The contributions of our elders and extended family members are always welcome! Learn more at
Youth Open Mic
A chance for kids to get behind the mic and tell a brief story.