StoryFest 2021 Videos

The following videos will be available through April 30, 2022 by permission of the performers and presenters who appear in them. All were either pre-recorded or recorded live during StoryFest 2021, May 10-15. For descriptions of the sessions and presenter bios, visit the StoryFest page.



  • Perspectives - with Sue Searing, Larry Johnson, Lisa Rude, Tony Wentersdorf, and Bob Dancer

  • How Did You Get Here? - with Kanute Rarey, Elaine Wynne, Gwendolyn J. Napier, and Richard Munchkin

  • Stories for Children - with Vicki Joan Keck, Ingrid Bohn, Terri Lott, Carol McCormick, and Phuoc Tran

  • Festival Concert - with Laura Packer, Jim Stowell, Danielle Daniel, Nestor Gomez, and Anne Shimojima

  • Betwixt and Between - with Loren Niemi, phillip low, Julie Walker, and Ahmay Ya

  • Comfort Stories - with Richard Rousseau, Mary Bemker-Page, Howard Lieberman, and Gregory Pickett