StoryFest 2021 Videos
The following videos will be available through April 30, 2022 by permission of the performers and presenters who appear in them. All were either pre-recorded or recorded live during StoryFest 2021, May 10-15. For descriptions of the sessions and presenter bios, visit the StoryFest page.
Rhyming Stories, with Ken Parsons
From Page to Stage, with Katie Knutson
Intro to Podcasting, with Christy Marie Kent
Telling Social Justice Stories to Children, with Larry Johnson
Blue and Green Planet, with Carol McCormick
Recipes for Story, with Richard Rousseau
The Language and Literature Heritage of Somali Communities, with Abdu Mahmud
Collecting Community Stories, with Julie Walker
Perspectives - with Sue Searing, Larry Johnson, Lisa Rude, Tony Wentersdorf, and Bob Dancer
How Did You Get Here? - with Kanute Rarey, Elaine Wynne, Gwendolyn J. Napier, and Richard Munchkin
Stories for Children - with Vicki Joan Keck, Ingrid Bohn, Terri Lott, Carol McCormick, and Phuoc Tran
Festival Concert - with Laura Packer, Jim Stowell, Danielle Daniel, Nestor Gomez, and Anne Shimojima
Betwixt and Between - with Loren Niemi, phillip low, Julie Walker, and Ahmay Ya
Comfort Stories - with Richard Rousseau, Mary Bemker-Page, Howard Lieberman, and Gregory Pickett
SHOWCASES and SAM programs
St. Kate’s Student Storytellers digital stories
SAM Mail-a-Story game launch - see also the updated playing instructions