Stories that Heal - Morning Workshops
Saturday, May 2, 9:00-11:30
Kopp Student Center
Normandale Community College
Nuts and Bolts of Using Story for Healing
Led by Melissa Perrin
Room 1808
DESCRIPTION: We live by the stories we tell ourselves and each other. These stories depict our world view. Our roles in each story defines our choices. We will explore iconic roles, arcs and themes in our stories. We will examine the nuts and bolts of our stories through the lens of healing and finding resolution. Every one of us is the hero, victim or villain of our story. We will explore basic narrative paths that hold identity and influence how we navigate healing and integrate loss.
OBJECTIVES: Attendees will be able to:
Identify common roles, themes and narrative arcs found in Story Telling
Identify nodes of paralysis, power and appeasement
Experiment with the basics of transforming identity and experience through shifting the narrative base
WORKSHOP LEADER: Dr. Melissa Perrin is a licensed clinical psychologist and Storyteller in Chicago. A gifted teacher, she has provided rich training opportunities with information that can be put into practice immediately. Melissa co-hosts a monthly open mic storytelling night and loves to assist in the recognition and crafting of personal narrative.
COST: $30 Early Bird registration, pay by April 2 ($25 for Story Arts members)
$35 Regular registration, pay by April 30 ($30 for Story Arts members)
$10 Normandale Community College student
Audience, I Need Your Help: Improv Comedy & Storytelling
Led by Chad Kuyper, Chad Allen, Buddy Ricker & Keith Russell
Room 1842
DESCRIPTION: This interactive workshop explores the rich overlap between the worlds of storytelling and improvisational comedy (voice, body, plot, pacing, etc.). A brief improv show will be followed by explanation of the foundational principles of improv and how they can be applied to the art of storytelling. Plenty of audience participation!
OBJECTIVES: Participants will be able to:
Explain the foundational principles of improvisational comedy
Apply improv theories of voice, body, plotting, and pacing to their own personal storytelling technique
Physically and vocally demonstrate dynamic and engaging characters
Chad Kuyper has been performing with Spontaneous Production since 2005. He is a graduate of Comedy Sportz short-form classes, and has taught courses in storytelling in Minnesota and Florida. For his day job, Chad is a professor of Communication at Normandale Community College, and resides in Maplewood, MN.
Chad Allen is a founding member of Spontaneous Productions (current position: football trivia manager), and currently works as an IT manager in Crystal, MN.
Buddy Ricker is a founding member of Spontaneous Productions, and has been performing improv comedy for almost two decades. Buddy keeps busy by running after his granddaughter and grandson, and watching the new Star Wars film. Buddy works as an insurance trainer at Federated Insurance in Owatonna, MN, and is the secret identity of the Owatonna vigilante Tape-Dispensing Man, whose powers include ALWAYS having the right tape for the situation, be it Duct, Scotch, or 8-track.
Keith Russell has been performing with Spontaneous Productions since 2003. He is currently a high school science teacher and is the owner/operator of a barbecue business in Superior, WI.
COST: $30 Early Bird registration, pay by April 2 ($25 for Story Arts members)
$35 Regular registration, pay by April 30 ($30 for Story Arts members)
$10 Normandale Community College student
*** Please purchase tickets for morning workshops and lunch by April 20.
*** A limited number of scholarships are available for the morning workshops. Please contact us by email at