Every storyteller, parent, game master, and camper needs a good scary story in their repertoire. Award-winning storyteller Laura Packer will show you what kinds of scary stories are worth digging into, how to craft a performance that thrills listeners, and how to tell stories that are just right for every age. Come with a story idea or none at all, prompts and stories will be provided. Time permitting, a story circle will follow the class.
Please note, there may be a wide range of scary stories shared in the class and story circle, so this class may not be appropriate for younger people. Additionally, this class will be recorded for attendees who are in different time zones. Break out rooms will not be recorded.
Laura Packer has been obsessed by scary stories her whole life. From the first horror movie she remembers to the real events that have become some of her most chilling tales, she knows that stories shape who we are and how we see the world. Find out more about Laura at laurapacker.com.
Tickets $40-$50 at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-tell-a-scary-story-a-storytelling-class-for-anyone-tickets-707105951937