Every month we come together at Strike Theater to dish...all about our workplace drama! Hosted by Hollywood Storyteller Les Kurkendaal and Twin Cities Performer Motz every month is packed full of real life employees telling their real life stories. We promise you’ll relate. We promise you’ll be entertained by all this Workplace Drama!
This month's theme is office parties. What is the wildest office party that you have ever been to? Did you get drunk and make out with a co-worker? Did you copy your butt on the photocopy machine?? Or do you even remember? Come tell us your office party stories. And speaking of parties, IT’S MOTZ’S BIRTHDAY! Come help him celebrate!
Strike Theater Masking and Vaccination Policy
All patrons, performers, and staff will have to show proof of vaccination (either card, digital, or app) to enter shows. Masks are required in public spaces.
Tickets $12,, at the door or in advance at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workplace-drama-august-2022-tickets-227450379207