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ONLINE: Every Postcard Is an Invitation for a Story - Finale

Do you like sending or receiving postcards? Story Arts of Minnesota is offering a fun way to do that and tell a story at the same time. Here’s how it works:

1)      You can send an email with your (US Government approved) post office address and the number 1 or 3 to and if you want you can add “personal” or “traditional”.

2)      That email to needs to be sent by Thursday, June 24th.

3)      If you choose 1 – you will get one postcard in the mail with a story on it. If you choose 3 – you will get three postcards in the mail - one with a story, one for you to send back with your own story and one to send on to someone else. If you mark your email as “personal” you will get artist/photo cards. If you mark your email as “traditional” you will get (now antique) 20th Century commercial postcards.

 4)      If you are sending a story card back, you should send it by Monday, July 12th to

Story Arts of Minnesota
PO Box 581154
Minneapolis, MN 55458

 5)      Then on Thursday, July 22nd, at 7:00 PM Central time, Story Arts of Minnesota will host a Zoom session in which we read your stories. The Zoom link will be sent to everyone who registers for a card or anyone who includes an email address on the card they send in.

6)      Also, please, feel free to invite other friends (and even foes) to participate in this “mail story” project.