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ONLINE: SAM Story Circle

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Story Arts of Minnesota presents its second online Story Circle--because the first one was so much fun!  This FREE event, hosted by Maria Vorhis, is open to everyone via Zoom teleconferencing.  After registering, you'll receive an email message with the Zoom link.

Bring your favorite seven-minute tale and your listening ears. All stories are welcome, including traditional tales as well as original true stories.  Both experienced and new storytellers are welcome.  We ask that you offer content warnings if the story might be challenging, and that you let others know if they can retell it. If you'd like to reserve a spot to tell, please email us at

Don't have a story to share?  We invite you to watch and listen.  

Remember: Register for FREE at to receive instructions for logging on. (You also make a donation to support SAM’s online programs, if you wish.)

Earlier Event: April 25
ONLINE: Marie Cooney Stories
Later Event: May 1
ONLINE: OutSpoken Bathrobe Gala