Story Club Minneapolis is a live monthly storytelling show featuring both an open mic segment and a curated set of performers from all over the Twin Cities arts scene and beyond. Story Club showcases true, autobiographical stories -- especially stories that are bold, vulnerable, unexpected, and connected to the complexity of our cultural environment. No two Story Club evenings are ever alike, but each month when we wrap up the show, we feel like we’ve witnessed a new, unique little community coming together.
So! Starting at 6pm, audience members are invited to put their names in the hat for the opportunity to tell an up-to-7-minute story onstage (Requirements? Has to be a story, has to be true, has to be about you!). When the show begins at 7, three or four tellers are drawn at random to perform, and they'll be followed by our featured guests. Does this make you want to tell a story? GOOD! (Do it! Do it! Do it!)
Story Club’s host and producer is actor/writer Amy Salloway!
February's featured performers are 2017 SlamMN Grand Champion Gregory Pickett, and renowned, award-winning poet, author and performance artist Wang Ping!
Doors open at 6pm, show at 7pm
Tickets are on a sliding scale from $8 - $15, and are available at the door, or by phone: (612) 825-8949; or in advance online: (go to the show date to find the exact purchase link)
Story Club online: