Welcome to the country's only recurring open-mic dedicated to speculative fiction: fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural horror, and any tale that takes place in a reality other than our own! Got something you want to perform or know someone who's a writer of speculative fiction? Sign up starts at 7:30 pm in the Poet's Corner of Kieran's Irish Pub. Stories, stand-up comedy, and musical pieces are all welcome, just as long as the material is within the speculative fiction genre. So come on by and take 5-7 minutes to show us a place from another world!
Tickets: $5-$10 donation at the door.
More info: http://www.wordsprout.org/the-not-so-silent-planet-a-speculative-open-mic.html
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/notsosilentplanet/events/