Doors and sign-up at 7:30
Show at 8:00
$5-$10 sliding fee scale
All world premieres, all the time -- that's the name of the game at The New Sh!t Show Minneapolis!
Started in San Francisco by poets Sam Sax and Nic Alea, the New Sh!t Show is a chain of performance series across the United States in which performers and audience members are treated to something they've never seen before -- the new shit. In other words, everything you see onstage in this show is being done for the very first time, ever. We'll probably be as surprised by what happens as you are!
Featured performers will be preceded by the New Sh!t Open Mic. (Three spots will be first-come first-serve and the fourth will be determined via random draw.)
Come see world premiere work by:
Khary Jackson
Amy Salloway
Tony Williams
Cutlet Withers
and open mic participants (it could be you!)
Hosted by Lewis Mundt
Web link:
A Word Sprout Production