Saturday, April 5, 10am - 9pm

Please join us at the Bloomington, MN Center for the Arts, 1800 W Old Shakopee Rd, for a full day devoted to the art of storytelling. Enjoy storytelling performances, workshops, community showcases, resource and merchandise tables, open mics, and food trucks. Find the full program HERE. Most events are free and everyone’s welcome!


Our Mission:

Story Arts of Minnesota exists to promote the art of storytelling and to develop and support storytellers.

We imagine a society in which storytellers are recognized for their ability to provide a relevant, inspiring and transformative service to individuals and the community through the art and craft of spoken narrative. We envision SAM as a leader in promoting storytelling as a performance art form as well as fostering its application within such areas as education, historical interpretation, health care, psychotherapy, spiritual direction, and organizational life. SAM helps storytellers develop professionally and work productively within and across these fields. 

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